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Our Bikram practice is most definitely aligned with the energies of the SUN. The sun evokes vibrancy, expansion, and lightness.

This practice closely follows the 26 postures and 2 pranayama brought to the West by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s. Bikram is unique for the addition of 38dg heat to the room when practicing, in our studios we use far-infrared glass panels from Germany.

The Bikram sequence is magical for its movement of the spine and body in all directions, its ability to bring you full face with the present moment, and its phenomenal physiological and spiritual healing. The infrared heat during practice penetrates deep into your cells and opens joints, lengthens muscles, conditions organs, and stimulates your immune system like no other practice does.

A 'Hatha" style practice, the set Bikram sequence is dynamic, grounding, strengthening and invigorating. It is designed to draw spiritual energy (Kundalini) back up the spine toward Shiva above the crown, and in doing so nourish and open the padmas. By building agni, the spiritual flame: karmic debt, samskaras, and vikalpas are burned, and with the use of focused awareness, mirrors, heat, and challenging asana, the dissolution of ego is realised, and spiritual awakening is possible.

Not the best choice of practice if you dislike the heat or perspiring, but amazing if cleansing, refreshing, awakening, opening, lengthening, and releasing are important in your Sadhana.

Arrive at class with all the worries in the world and leave without a care.

What to bring: your yoga mat, mat towel, hand towel, water, no shoes required.
35dg heat


Our Bikram practice is most definitely aligned with the energies of the SUN. The sun awakens dormant energies, stimulates the flow of prana throughout the body and enlivens the spirit.

This practice is based on the original sequence taught by Bishnu Gosh, the younger brother of yogi Paramahansa Yogananda. It was from this original sequence that Bikram, a student of Bishnu Gosh, chose the asana to bring to the West and call it Bikram yoga. Like the Bikram series the room is heated to 32dg when practicing, in our studios we use far-infrared glass panels from Germany.

The Advanced series is more challenging than the Bikram series and requires understanding of Bikram asana to attend. It opens with an invigorating pranayama and Gosh style vinyasa (including lunges, kneeling, squatting, and changes in direction), with breath speed movements. The second part of the sequence slows down into longer deeper holds. The infrared heat during practice penetrates deep into your cells and opens joints, lengthens muscles, conditions organs, and stimulates your immune system like no other practice does.

Not the best choice of practice if you dislike the heat or perspiring, or your knees are weak or injured, but amazing if cleansing, refreshing, awakening, opening, lengthening, and releasing are important in your Sadhana.

Arrive at class with all the worries in the world and leave without a care.

What to bring: your yoga mat, mat towel. hand towel, water, no shoes required.
35dg heat


HOT mat pilates is the perfect all round practice to squeeze into a busy day.

Our 45 minute classes are fun, fluid, and a great class for all round body fitness and strength.

Expect traditional pilates exercises (seated & standing) infused with balls, bands, and hand weights, music to vibe to and nice little stretch.

What to bring: your yoga mat, small hand towel, water, no shoes required.

30dg heat


The pilates WUNDA chair is a traditional pilates apparatus developed by Joseph Pilates himself, nearly 100 years ago. It has evolved greatly since its beginnings and is now one of the most challenging and versatile pieces of pilates equipment to work with (more fun and challenging than the pilates reformer tables!).

The main function of the pilaters WUNDA chair is to provide you the opportunity to work with added resistance against your body's movements. Adding more resistance against your body, increases your endurance and strength gains. 

The WUNDA chair works wonders for your upper body - upper back, arms and shoulders, as well as your lower body - lower back, hips, and legs. The WUNDA chair is a fantastic core stabiliser targeting your abdomen, spine, glutes and pelvic region.

The WUNDA chair is the bomb for stability and flexibility exercises, and is the best way to develop a deep stable and strong core.  The pilates WUNDA chair is a safe, alignment based, resistance apparatus that can not only help you release deep tension knots & ease muscle aches & pains, but is the perfect training apparatus to help you safely and effectively heal after an injury - FASTER. 

Another bonus to the chair is that it’s the most functional of all the Pilates equipment, meaning the exercises done on the chair most mimic actions in day to day life and can be done seated or standing. A full WUNDA chair workout demands stamina, heightened control, and precision. This versatile apparatus can challenge the beginner student as well as the elite athlete.

The Wunda Chair takes all your Reformer skills vertical!!!

What to bring: your yoga mat, blankets, pillows, layers of clothing, no shoes required.
No heat


VINYASA is our SUN/MOON yoga practice. The sun evokes vibrancy, expansion, and lightness, whilst the moon embodies a calm, grounding, stabilising energy.

Our VINYASA class or 'practice' is just the right balance of asana, meditation, and pranayama. It is a blend of traditional yoga asana, spaces for rest and deep stretch, and dedicated time for pranayama, meditation, and yogic wisdom.
It will immerse you in a full body, mind and spirit experience, put you in contact with the many rhythms and flows of your inner landscape, and ultimately increase harmony and balance in your life.

The aim of yoga is to prepare all aspects of self for spiritual awakening. Our VINYASA practice encourages involution and self discovery, it opens doorways to "being" as the source; as infinite cosmic consciousness.

A practice to release, realign, and welcome all of who you are.

What to bring: your yoga mat, small hand towel. water, no shoes required.
25-30dg heat


A deeply healing MOON practice. The moon embodies a calm, nourishing, grounding, stabilising energy.

Our sound healing and yin practice offers an opportunity to experience an altered state of consciousness as you drop into a place behind your thinking mind, a place where profound healing and transformation can take place.

Our sound healing uses the soothing and mesmerising tones of quartz crystal bowls to lull you into a peaceful place of 'BE-ing; a quiet and reverent place deep inside the Self, yet as expansive as the Universe.

The pure tones of our crystal bowls vibrate at a frequency that travels through space and meets the vibration of your own body. The vibration of the bowls can influence and affect the vibration of your cells and energies, promoting healing, deep rest, restoration, a sense of calm, inner knowing, self understanding, and positive transformation.

This practice begins with grounding, moves to 20 minutes of YIN yoga, and ends in a body scan relaxation and 25 minutes of nourishing sound healing. This is a floor based practice and suitable for every person.

What to bring: your yoga mat, any personal props you like to use (bolster, strap, blanket, block - we also have them here), no shoes required.
No heat 


Our Yin yoga is our regular most MOON practice. The moon embodies a calm, nourishing, grounding, stabilising energy.

Yoga is an embodied practice that journeys far beyond the physical asana. To practice yoga is to weave its wisdom and tradition through all areas of your life, to nourish your heart and spirit with its nectar, and honour the truth of your dharmic path. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna tells us "it is better to do ones own dharma poorly than another's perfectly", a wonderful reminder to honour the truth of who we are, and to discover our unique divine purpose in life.

Our Yin yoga is a syrupy sinking into the world of the self. The practice draws you deep into the fabric of your own existence, giving time and space to map and trace your inner topography like no other practice does. We like to think of Yin yoga as mystical nutrition for your entire being

On a spiritual level Yin yoga helps dissolve the physical boundary of your body, merging you with a higher consciousness. The practice guides you into your most subtle layers of being, and in doing so reveals your true nature, your cosmic identity, your dharmic path. Yin yoga is the welcoming of all of who you are, just as you are.

On a physical level Yin yoga invites your body into long tender holds that stir the marrow of your bones, heart of your joints, and fabric of all your tissues. A practice that can release the deepest of tensions through target area stretching, like acupressure for your tissues, Yin yoga is the softening into shapes than honour your body's unique design.

Expect a floor based sequence, long held asana - up to 8mins each, guided meditations, pranayama, and a sprinkle of mudra, kriya, mantra, and ancient yogic wisdom.

What to bring: your yoga mat, any personal props you like to use (bolster, strap, blanket, block - we also have them here), no shoes required.
No heat or gently heated


Becci offers 60m or 90m private or small group personalised classes monday through thursday between 9am & 3pm.
Private classes are the fast track way to developing your own at home sadhana. Private classes are designed in consultation with you, the client, and evolve with you as your practice evolves.

Privates and small group classes are a wonderful way to
1. refine your practice
2. learn new kriyas
3. develop stronger, more meaningful asana
4. receive a personalised mudra or mantra
5. create a safe and inspiring home practice
6. increase strength and stamina
7. discuss yoga philosophy
8. deepen your pranayama practice

Corporate classes are focused on meeting employee health and wellness and team building activities. Corporate classes are held on a regular basis or for one off occasions. We can come to you or you can visit one of our shalas. We will create a practice that meets the needs of your team or objective, catering from small groups to larger groups over 100 people.

Yoga circles are spaces for creativity, intimacy, communion, and self love. They are a spiritually awake alternative to regular parties and gatherings and offer a sharing of hearts and spirits that draw any community closer together.
Yoga circles are adapted to be most meaningful for your gathering, and last anywhere from 2hrs through to a full weekend.
Popular circle themes include hens gatherings, baby showers, welcoming baby, birthdays, engagements, solstice celebrations, graduations, reunions, honouring spirits past, friendship gatherings, wellness retreats, work team building, or any other occasion where a community gathers in respect for sharing and personal growth.

To discuss your private or small group class, find out more about individualised yoga circles, or if improving your employees' mental, emotional, and physical health is important to you call Becci on 0405116211 to discuss options and pricing