HEROCUPS a yummy new snack
So we’ve all heard about the benefits of a keto diet right? Well just in case you haven’t, we’ve got – reducing systemic inflammation (decreases chances of all sorts of diseases, chronic conditions and illnesses), weight loss and maintenance, and GABA production for calmer brain function and a peaceful mind. Not bad! …actually sounds like the benefits of YOGA!!
Anyway you might like to give it a dabble???….easier said than done???
We all know it’s easy to follow eating regimes when we feel highly motivated or we have time and lots of resources, but we also know that those things aren’t always around, and its during those times that guys like these little fellas are awesome to wrap your laughing gear around – HERO CUPS PEANUT BUTTER CUPS – come in both keto and vegan versions.
With a slogan like “in a world full of unhealthy snacks, and dangerous confections, a hero rises” – how can you resist????
Made from scratch with single origin fair trade cacao beans and peanuts (and in the vegan version a little coconut sugar) these treats are super simple and oh so yummy.
Buy them in packs of 2 and try to nosh just one!!!!
find them at healthy retailers
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